07 Jul Supply Chain Issues Continue
SAF recently sourced much needed components from Dubai and India!
Whether you are an end-user or an electronic security provider, you know the issues with supply chain. We see it both in our integration division and our door and hardware division. Especially with access control boards, readers, and credentials. Some of the lead times are now 1st and 2nd quarter of 2023. Some manufacturers will not even give us a date.
We have been searching tirelessly for products to support our customers. We recently sourced these much-needed supplies oversees and had them flown to the North Carolina. If you are planning to do any projects over the next twelve months, you need to get out in front of these supply issues now. Some customers are ordering access credentials in advance of needing them. Other customers are ordering spare parts to have on hand. We also have customers adding spare components to their construction projects just in case they must add cards readers or cameras as the projects progress. If we can help you with your supply chain challenges just let us know.